Cookiecutter WebGL Template

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This cookiecutter templates a modern base project for creating WebGL experiments with three.js.

It uses yarn and typescript with webpack and also includes common tools such as dat.gui, stats.js or Orbit Controls.

See the generated template in action.

Example project screenshot


  • Modern typescript ECMA 2018 code base

  • Fully typed support for three.js

  • Bundling using webpack

  • Pre configured to import your CSS and transpile SASS/SCSS

  • Includes bootstrap for quick prototype user interfaces

  • Includes useful tools: dat.gui, stats.js and Orbit Controls

  • Fast and deterministic dependencies using yarn

  • Hot reload (HMR) development mode

  • Integrated linting and auto-fixing using eslint

  • Optional linting as a git pre commit hook


Install cookiecutter>=1.4.0 if you haven’t already:

$ python3 -m pip install -U cookiecutter

Generate your WebGL project (you will be asked for the project name etc):

$ cookiecutter

After your project was created:

  • Create a remote repository and publish your project:

    $ cd <mypackage>
    $ git remote add origin
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Initial commit"
    $ git push --set-upstream origin master
  • Add the repo to your Travis-CI account. If you have connected travis with GitHub this is done automatically.

  • If you wish to publish an interactive demo version of your project on GitHub Pages, generate a GitHub access token for repo:public_repo and set this token in your travis build settings as a secret environment variable GH_TOKEN.

    If you do not want to deploy to GitHub Pages, remove the deploy pages build stage from .travis.yml.

  • From here on you can continue with the instructions in your generated project’s

  • Start coding!

Customization after project creation

How can I add git pre commit checks to a project when I disabled them during creation?

The template still installs husky, the package used for installing git hooks in your project, but does not configure any rules. Just add an entry to your package.json:

"husky": {
    "hooks": {
        "pre-commit": "yarn lint"

How can I change the linter strictness about warnings after I created the project?

You can always configure the .eslintrc.js and .prettierrc.js as you desire. To change how linting warnings are treated, change the --max-warnings parameter value in your package.json:

  • --max-warnings=-1 allows unlimited warnings

  • --max-warnings=n where n>=0 makes the linter fail after n warnings



If you need more guidance I encourage you to have a look at the more extensive documentation.